Monday, December 30, 2013

Indiegogo Campaign and RAWards Recap

The Indiegogo Campaign was a success. I am thankful to everyone that participated by contributing and spreading the word. I was able to meet my goal and fund the RAWards show.

I was able to get a banner purchased, much needed supplies and got some printing done. I love the banner it came out great!

My very first banner!

The show was originally scheduled for 12/6/2013. It had to be rescheduled because Austin got some seriously cold weather. I was relieved that they rescheduled it. The venue is mostly outdoors and I was definitely not looking forward to being outside in the cold.

I took some photos of the set up. I ended up selling five pieces at the show. I was pretty stoked! I had to go on stage and be recognized as a Director's highlight. And yes I am aware that I just made that sentence sound like it was such a chore. 

I am not the most outgoing person you are going to meet. I hate public speaking and certainly do NOT want to be on stage. Yes, I do realize that it was really important and I am proud of it, it's just, well...I get anxious and cranky about it.

However I am getting better about talking to people in person when I am at my station. I am pretty relaxed about that bit now. 

You can find more pictures off the fabulous art at the on RAWards Flicker account. 

So now as the year closes I am hard at work on fulfilling the last of the perks from the campaign and I am really excited about some of the new ideas I have coming.

Until next time!

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