Thursday, August 1, 2013

Busy Busy and Now my Hands Hurt...A Lot

Clay is tough on the hands. It doesn't always seem like it at the time, but later when you have stopped kneading and rolling and smoothing you realize, Damn my hands HURT! 

So that is where I am today. Three days no sculpting. I won't lie; it has been hard not to move on to the next project. But I will give my hands a full 7 days then back to work. For now I am just sketching.

This month I finished 7 droids and a custom order duck.  Most of my WIP pictures have either Dr. Pepper or Grey's Anatomy in the background, sometimes both. I THINK you can actually see a bit of blue from some scrubs there at the corner of the screen. 

I watch that show a lot. Mainly because I don't have to play attention too closely. I just tune in for the good bits. You may be wondering, 'Well why don't you listen to music  then?' 

Sometimes I do, but I tend to day dream to music, so I end up just sitting at my desk staring into space. 

Below you can see the photos of the finished pieces. The Plum one I used in a giveaway on Google+. It should be getting to its destination any day now. I can't wait to hear if the winner likes it or not. Well I hope I get to hear about it. 

One of the green ones has
already sold. As I write this (8/1/13) there are still two left in the shop. You can find them HERE.

I came up with a couple of new designs while I was making this set. We have two with tall mohawks and the three eye-d 
one. I really like it.

Three Eye, and Green Mohawk are going to the Dallas Vinyl Arts Thoughts Show in September. SUPER EXCITED!!! I think I might make more droids to take. Probably two to three more. OH maybe a couple of micro munnies? As you can see I am still trying to decide. I'll be sure to post pictures of all the pieces that will be going. 
This lone droid here on the left is for a charity auction being held by Creatures for Kids. Their website is still under construction so the link will take you to their Facebook Page. If I have time I might donate another piece, but I don't want to get too busy. I still have two more YO!s to build and 4 to paint. 

This month I also received a commission for a green steampunk'd duck in a top hat. He came out GREAT! He was so cute and I just got an email today that he arrived safely. He will be a gift for a one year anniversary. I hope I get to hear how her boyfriend liked it. It's a SURPRISE! It will still be a week before she gives it to him. 

I have no patience like that. I tend to give people the gift as soon as I have it in hand. The ONLY exception is my sister. It's just fun to make her wonder. 


If any my fellow artists are feeling hand pain right now here is a good article with tips and tricks. How to Avoid Hand Pain Artists Commonly Suffer. My hand is even in it! I am wearing my Tommie Copper compression gloves. 

Till Next Time - T

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