Hello! I need help funding my entry into the RAWards Semi-Final Art Show in Austin, Texas, United States. This is a show I was invited to do with only one month to prepare. Please click on the photo above to see all the details for the crowd-funding campaign.
Friday, December 6th, 2013 is the date of the show, which will run from 8pm-12am CST. This is the grand show of the year where we find out who the finalists are for the RAWards. RAW Artists in over 50 cities across the nation will be competing to represent their city in the final ceremony for the chance to win RAWards Artist of the Year!
If you would like to attend, you may Purchase a Ticket Here, just look for where it says "Buy a Ticket for this Artist." Event details are on This Page.
There are perks of the artsy kind for contributors. If you would rather show support anonymously you can do that as well, minus the perks. No money? - No worry, if you can spread the word by simply sharing the link with others that is fantastic as well ! Thank you in advance for all your support.